The Magic of Collaboration Team Building Workshop
A FUN and exciting activity to acknowledge, reward and motivate your team!
A 90-120 minute non-psychically challenging, gender neutral indoor experiential activity for groups up to 100 people.
The Concept: Participants working in small teams collaborate to learn magic tricks and perform a fun and exciting Magic Show. Magic is an interactive, non-threatening and non-physically challenging medium. The skill set necessary to effectively perform a magic trick closely resembles those required to successfully perform in the business world.
The Approach: Participants experience the direct link between attitude, working together and achieving results. Using Anthony Lindan’s Secrets of Collaboration participants work together to:
- Learn and process new information
- Execute unfamiliar tasks
- Perform under real world conditions with tight timelines
- Achieve a predetermined and measurable outcome
Take-A-Ways: A working knowledge of the Secrets of Collaboration to improve:
- The group dynamic (respect for individuals and the group)
- Personal accountability (understanding and owning your personal strengths)
- Collaborative mindset (positive attitude and enthusiasm)
Besides contributing their own unique talents, participants are encouraged to exercise the following skills:
- Creative Thinking
- Problem Solving
- Communication
- Presentation
- Emotional Intelligence
- Time Management
Rave Reviews – CAE Inc. International HR Forum Montreal
- Global aerospace company CAE Inc. brought their HR team leaders from Asia, Australia, the Middle East, U.S. and Canada together for its annual HR Forum in Montreal
- The Magic of Collaboration team building session was the end of the day ‘FUN’ session on day 3.
Testimonial from Dean White – Middle East & Asia Pacific HR Leader
Rave Reviews – CHEC Finance Meeting
- CHEC (Cornerstone Hydro Electric Concepts Association) is an association of 15 local electricity distribution companies.
- They brought their finance, accounting and regulatory affairs team from across Ontario together for a 2 day working session.
- The Magic of Collaboration team building workshop was their last ‘FUN’ session on their closing day.
Testimonial from John Sherin – CHEC President